
The remarkable and not wave-soldered Scardino Apple-1

The first 12 Apple-1s in Europe and a letter from Steve Jobs

Paul Terrell, The Byte Shop, 'Apple Computer A'

About the wooden Byte Shop cases

Historic artifact: Check signed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

Ronald G. Wayne

Meeting Steve Jobs 1976

By early Byte Shop employee Clay Archer with kind permission.

Apple-1 homemade in 1977 from Steve Wozniak's plans

By Bryan Blackburn with kind permission.

Steve Wozniak's calculator

Steve Jobs and the VW bus

Curator of the Apple-1 Registry visited Daniel Kottke, Wendell Sander and Jerry Manock

About the 'company Apple-1' - #70 in the Apple-1 Registry

Pamela Lawson, the daughter of Don Hutmacher, wrote in 2015: 'Don Hutmacher worked for Apple in their headquarters in Cupertino. He was a manufacturing engineer and worked on many projects from 1980- 1990. When Steve Jobs was let go from Apple in the mid-80's, Don was allowed by his boss to go into Steve Job's office to take anything that was left over. It had been picked clean by the time that he got there. He noticed a computer and a bag of Starbucks coffee. The computer was the Apple 1 in a custom metallic case. It bears a tag with the initials BF (Bill Fernandez), 5-APR-1977, ACM Mod., and the number 2.'

Wendell Sander added: 'Wow, I always wondered where this Apple 1 went. When I got there in August of 1977 this was the “Company Apple 1” I used it several times in 1977 and 1978 mostly to demo the Apple 1 to others, I was the Apple 1 expert because I had one, I think Bill and I were the only ones that used it. I had assumed it ended up at Stanford [1] with the other Apple stuff.
The ACM mod would have been for Mike Markulla, his initials are ACM. I am almost certain the mod is to put Basic in EPROM. I seem to remember that but Bill can probably verify if that is correct. That is a pretty special Apple 1 because it was the “official” company computer, the case is particularly impressive and the only one like it I know of. It looks like a metal version of the wood cases. Feel free to pass along these comments.'

Bill Fernandez told me on March 8, 2020: 'I don't have any pictures, or memory, of this particular computer. By this time, I would have been working in the garage for about 2 months. "ACM" most likely refers to Mike Markkula. I was probably tasked with modifying the Apple-1 in some way for Mike's use, and this was probably the second one modified in this way.'

[1] This Apple-1 was sold at auction to Paul Allen and is in his museum in Seattle, USA.

Steve Jobs' job application

A Conversation with Apple-1 PCB designer Howard Cantin

With kind permission of Mike Willegal. Original post here.

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