The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #64   -   Go to next entry #66
Note: This is the 65th entry in the list and not the 65th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a serial number.

'Weather Station' Apple-1 - number 65 in the Registry

14 pictures published.


1st batch

Serial number, stamp, label

no number on the back




Existence verified. Known to registry caretaker or expert. According to pictures.


Working condition


Mitchell Waite


Mainboard picture
Mitchell Waite


Mitchell Waite was interviewed in Episode 252 of TRIANGULATION 6 June 2016. See link in video secition.
There is no handwritten number on the back of this Apple-1.


Mitch Waite told Mike Willegal:"I bought mine from a Byte Shop in San Rafael after seeing Jobs demo it at the Homebrew Computer Club. I built a weather station on my houseboat and got Steve Jobs to drive to Greenbrae to see it in action. I wanted to write a computer graphics book and use it but he told me they had a much better Apple II coming out and I should come to Cupertino and he'd give me one. There is an amazing story that visit and subsequent relationship - you can read it at my ancient blog (click books). Woz modified the PIA on the board so I could control a homemade wind speed device on the roof with assembly language and the sweet 16 Assembler."
In 2019 Mitch told Achim Baqué "I bought it at the Marin Byte shop, under the clock tower, on Francisco Blvd in San Rafael" .
Apple-1 computer was renamed from "Mitchell Waite" to "Weather Station" on request of the Mitchell Waite himself. Usually the name of the first owner is used, but he is the first owner and should have the choice.

Mitch wrote in 2019: Mitch used his A1 to display weather information gathered from the roof of his houseboat: tide height, wind speed, temperature. More details will be released in 2020.

It was on exhibition at Vintage Computer Festival West 2019 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Achim Baqué verified it and made pictures. Owner is known to Apple-1 Registry curator Achim Baqué.


no auction


White ceramic MOS MCS 6502 CPU (1576), plastic AMI S6820 PIA (date code vanished), 8 KB plastic Mostek DRAM (MK4096-16 mixed date codes 7726, 7728 and 7734). Blue capacitors.


Original Apple Cassette Interface (NTI), modern Triad F31-X and F40-X power supply, not original Apple II+ keyboard.


Very good. Some modification reversed. Crystal replaced. Traces next to 3 DRAM chips cut and later reconnected. Breadboard once used. Some components resoldered.Earlier added wires removed. Edge connector splitted and fixed. Still two added wires on the back.Two later replaced ICs.


Interview with Michael Waite

Before you click on video links make sure you have read and accepted the disclaimer about Youtube links according to the European Data Protection Law (2016/679).

Last update

Nov 16, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Mar 31, 2018: Verification status. Description added
Mar 31, 2018: Components
Apr 11, 2018: Number/Sticker/Stamp info added. Verification status. Components. State. Equipment
May 27, 2019: Number/Sticker/Stamp info
Jun 19, 2019: Website(s). State
Aug 10, 2019: History
Aug 10, 2019: 2 picture(s) added
Aug 10, 2019: 1 picture(s) added
Aug 10, 2019: Verification info added. Last verification added. Description
Aug 11, 2019: 4 picture(s) added
Aug 18, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Aug 18, 2019: 7 picture(s) added
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition
Nov 16, 2021: Labels / stamps added

Change log for all Apple-1.

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