The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #52   -   Go to next entry #54
Note: This is the 53th entry in the list and not the 53th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a serial number.

'National Museum of Scotland' Apple-1 - number 53 in the Registry

14 pictures published.


2nd batch NTI

Serial number, stamp, label

no number on the back


Scotland, Edinburgh
National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

On display

It is on display


Existence verified. In a museum. According to pictures.


Unknown working condition

Museum's website

National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh


Picture at Google Streetview


Donated to the museum in 2007.


no auction


White ceramic Synertek SY6502 CPU (7541), plastic Synertek SY6520 PIA (7630), 8 KB plastic DRAM Mostek MK4096-11 (7634). 1 small yellow and 7 blue capacitors.


In briefcase (cover missing). 70's TV screen. Keyboard in plastic case. Operation Manual with handwritten notes. Original Apple Cassette Interface (SCC). transformer from Japan and USA. Power cables soldered to the Apple-1 mainboard connector.


Additional hole drilled at breadboard. Some chips not original: for example 74161 from 7749, 555 from 7741. Big capacitors cutted and resoldered.


"The donor tells the story:"In 1979 or 1980 a friend of mine informed me that a friend of his was upgrading his computer at home and was selling his Apple 1. I did not ask if this fellow had purchased the Apple 1 new, but he was upgrading to a computer from a different manufacturer, possibly Alterra. I decided to buy this Apple 1 and the equipment he was using with it. While the Apple 1 looked like an amateur's assembly, the industrial surplus desk and integrated 19 inch equipment rack gave it a more finished overall appearance. The desk had a cutout with an IBM Selectric typewriter set into it. This Selectric could be used manually but was also configured for electronic control, and the interface from the Apple 1 was working.

I discovered that programming the Apple 1 to perform any useful tasks was a painstaking and laborious effort. The audio cassette recorder connected to the Apple 1 Cassette Interface provided the convenience of being able to reload the previous session, so software debugging could continue. I did get some experience with assembly language of a microprocessor. I also learned that I was not very good at it and did not really enjoy it. After about a year of periodic activity programming the Apple 1 I set it aside […] I disposed of the table with rack and Selectric, but kept the Apple as a possible historical item."

Last update

Nov 16, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Mar 23, 2018: Verification status. Websites. Components. State added. Equipment.
Mar 27, 2018: 2 picture(s) added
Apr 01, 2018: Website(s)
May 28, 2019: Website(s). Museum's website added
Jun 15, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Jul 12, 2019: Last verification added
Jul 12, 2019: 12 picture(s) added
Jul 12, 2019: Components. State. Equipment. History
Jul 12, 2019: Verification info added
Jun 27, 2021: Location
Jun 27, 2021: Geo description. Museum's website
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition

Change log for all Apple-1.

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