The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

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Note: This is the 44th entry in the list and not the 44th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a serial number.

'Elmer Baum 1' Apple-1 - number 44 in the Registry

4 pictures published.


2nd batch NTI

Serial number, stamp, label

no number on the back


USA, California


Existence verified. Known to registry caretaker or expert.


Working condition




From the owner: "I just went through old email; I got my PROM from Cameron Cooper, and Wendell programmed them. I used to have the BW monitor that Steve Jobs modified to have a video input (basically he soldered a couple of wires onto the TV PC board, drilled a hole in the case, and mounted a connector) but that is long gone as well".
Renamed from "Ex Employee 1" to "Elmer Baum 1" (he owned more than one).


First owner was Elmer Baum. He gave 1976 the two Steve's money to built the first Apple-1. Maybe there would be no Apple without him.
NTI board pulled from pile of unpopulated and untested Apple-1s.
Brought up to operating condition and installed in new enclosure.
It was on exhibition at Vintage Computer Festival West 2019 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Achim Baqué verified it and made pictures.Owner is known to Apple-1 Registry curator Achim Baqué.


no auction


Plastic Synertek SY6502 CPU (8249), plastic Motorola MC6820L PIA (7703), 8 KB plastic DRAM Mostek MK4027N-4.


Original box. Original Apple Cassette Interface. Power supply from 1975.


PROMs not original. Breadboard signed by Woz. It was probably an unpopulated mainboard. Mounted on wooden panel.


Youtube video

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Last update

Nov 16, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Mar 09, 2019: Verification status added. Equipment added
May 27, 2019: Number/Sticker/Stamp info
Jun 23, 2019: Location. Website(s) added. Video link(s) added. Equipment. Description added
Jun 23, 2019: Name. History
Jun 25, 2019: Website(s). Video link(s)
Jun 26, 2019: 1 picture(s) added
Jun 26, 2019: Components. State added. Equipment
Aug 09, 2019: Verification status. History
Aug 09, 2019: 3 picture(s) added
Aug 09, 2019: Components (shortlist). Components. State
Jun 11, 2021: Video link(s)
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition
Nov 16, 2021: Labels / stamps added

Change log for all Apple-1.

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