The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

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Note: This is the 26th entry in the list and not the 26th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a serial number.

'Rudie Hoess' Apple-1 - number 26 in the Registry

15 pictures published.


1st batch

Serial number, stamp, label

backside unknown


Australia, Sydney
Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia.
Iconic exhibition on level 3.

On display

It is on display


Existence verified. Known to registry caretaker or expert. In a museum. According to pictures.


Unknown working condition


Powerhouse Museum

Museum's website

Museum's website showing information and pictures.


This board must have been restored at some point. See 'State'.


First owner Rudie Hoess established the Computerland Franchise and introduced the Apple II to the Australian market.
Rudie gave the Apple-1 to Apple Computer Australia Pty. Ltd.
Long term loan to the museum since 1999. According to the museum it was donated March 2010.


no auction


Most chips wrong date code and/or wrong package. Plastic CPU from 1984, plastic PIA from 1980, plastic 8 KB DRAM. 2 DRAM chips replaced with purple ceramic versions. Some original Mostek MK4096-11 (7620). Blue capacitors.


In leather briefcase. Power supply, cassette recorder, keyboard built-in.
Original first batch Apple Cassette Interface (NCC). Very yellow PCB material.
RF modulator added. Keyboard from Micro Switch (date code 7901) serial 009644. Cassette recorder from JCPenny.


Breadboard populated with some IC's, LED etc., 2 DRAM chips replaced with purple ceramic versions. Most chips replaced. For example: CPU has date code 8406 and PIA date code 8005, 2513 from 8051, DRAM in bad shape. But for example all 2504v areoriginal. All 4 diodes IN4001 replaced. Mix of many different IC manufactors.
Probably LM323K replaced. Much solder at one point left of heat sink. PROMs on mainboard and ACI original. Big blue capacitors original.
Solder on some components. For example at video section.


Article abought the owner and how he brought Apple to Australia

Last update

Aug 15, 2022

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Mar 21, 2018: On display status
Mar 21, 2018: Publication(s) added
Mar 21, 2018: State
Mar 21, 2018: Equipment
Mar 21, 2018: Description added
Mar 21, 2018: History
Mar 21, 2018: Description of picture(s)/video(s)d
Mar 21, 2018: State (shortlist) added
Mar 21, 2018: History changed

May 23, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
May 28, 2019: Museum's website added
Jun 23, 2019: State. Equipment
Nov 19, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Nov 27, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Dec 26, 2019: On display status
Dec 26, 2019: 12 picture(s) added
Dec 26, 2019: Verification status. Last verification added. Additional information. Geo description. Components. State. Equipment. History
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition
Aug 15, 2022: Geo description

Change log for all Apple-1.

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